Thursday, February 17, 2011

Starting a new Series called "Conversations with Ma/Baba"

My Parents

Now some of you guys have reading my posts got this weird idea that my parents are like awesome and you know how lucky I am that they are my parents. Now let's first set the record straight. Their biggest achievement till date has been that they had me as their daughter - a perfect embodiment of everything sugar and spice and everything nice :)
(This is of course withstanding the fact that my dad was awfully talented whose artwork is still admired, whose english was so good that even lawyers would come to him to make him draft their letters, he could paint, he could draw, was an awesome cook, etc and my ma is a fantastic cook to the extent that she can make her own recipes and anyone who eats her food tells her to open restaurants, she can write poems which has got even published, she is a super duper interior decorator and has been called by people to decorate their homes, etc)

So starting today I will start a new series, which will go alongside my "Parenting" series as to how mean and horrible my parents are called "Conversations with Ma" and "Conversations with Baba" and how they basically its me who makes them great.... :P

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