Friday, February 25, 2011


My Parents
In my series of things I learnt from my parents this is another incident.

I was brought up in a family which was not really very religious. We never had any room for God or any idol of God anywhere in the home. I rarely saw my parents pray and even if they did it was in the privacy of their rooms and not something which others were privy to. However I studied in a convent school like both my parents. Now in a convent school prayers and God play a very essential role. So as a kid, I was not sure what I was supposed to do. Pray or not pray. My parents of course never told me not to do anything, and the firm rule till I was in school was “Your school and teachers are above all, including them, and always right. So do what they say“. So obviously prayers and all were something I did get used to. But this was an incident which happened way before, I actually became influenced into prayers by school (Ideally that happened to all of us when we turned 8 when we started going to the school assembly)

One day, I remember coming home from school, when I was about 7 years old, and I asked my parents “Does God give you things if You pray to Him and does not if you don’t? So that is when my parents introduced me for the first time the concept of God prayers and said this “We do not know if God always answers your prayers if you pray to Him. But we do know one thing, if you are good and always do the right thing, God will grant you what you want, and if you don’t no matter how much you pray, God will never listen. So the best prayer to God is always be a good human being first and then God will always listen to you”

That day I learnt the true meaning of praying to God and loving God – something, which when I see the world today fighting over religion, wish they had learnt too


  1. Your parents were very wise. It seems like you learned to be as wise.
    As always I enjoyed your writings

  2. Thanks Jim for the compliment and yes they were..of course helped that they had a perfect daughter like me :)

  3. So true! both the robber and the robbed prays - who do you think will be helped?? THis takes us to a deeper question though - why is the robber a robber etc... But yes the main prayer is to do justice to God's creation - a superb being that he created in me and you.

  4. yes but most of us forget that kriti

  5. Your words have made an impression on me, as your parents words did to you. Thank you for sharing their wise teachings. “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

  6. Thanks Larry. I am glad it made a mark on someone other than me as well.

  7. Parents definitely play a big role. I guess I get my belief in Indian Mythology from my mother.

  8. Priyashmita,
    Beautiful post sounds like you had wonderful parents....
    It is a shame that people from all walks of life fight over religions in the name of God. It all seems so pointless.


  9. thanks jessica and yes it is a shame that we fight over god and religion when god made us all equal

  10. I envy you. I wish my parents had the same view of yours.

    I was forced and beaten to pray. And When I become financially independent I developed my own believes. I do not hate them for what they did, I just think they didn't want to see their son in when they enjoy the heaven.

    Nice blog!

  11. Sunish I am sorry to hear that. Yes I did have cool parents. I was never forced to do anything in my life and definitely never beaten up. Rather they were very cool about everything and still are. You can see the series on parenting I have in this blog.

    And thanks for the compliment on the blog

  12. Like Prasad I got that mainly from my mom, and from those unending mythological stories listened
    from my grand pa(maternal),sitting affectionately in his lap.

  13. Nirupam i never had much of mythological story hearing but yes learnt a lot
